Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Is it true that recruiters reject a resume in six seconds

Is it true that recruiters reject a resume in six secondsIs it true that recruiters reject a resume in six secondsYes, and they actually reject resumes very quickly for reasons beyond being unqualified - here are 5 things recruiters make snap decisions on that you may not realizeSnap decision 1 Your graduation yearIf you think they will believe you to be too young for the role, or too old for the role, or any other concerns about age, eliminate your graduation years from your resume. If they ask you for your graduation years that can actually be considered attempted age discrimination in the United States.I personally do not put my graduation years on my LinkedIn or resume, so that no one makes any prejudgements about what Im too young or too old to do.Snap decision 2 Your email addressIf you have an old email lieferant like AOL or Hotmail, companies will judge you hardcore for being behind the times and against change. I know, its a far leap to make from just an email address but t hey really do reject you for it I tell my personal experience with this here.Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.Snap decision 3 Your locationIf you do not live in the city of the job you are applying to, write on your resume that you want to relocate to that city, or better yet that you ARE relocating (only if its true).Otherwise, the recruiter might get lazy and think this person probably wants to work remotely, or may need to be convinced to relocate, may be expensive to relocate blah blah, so many other excuses to reject you.Snap decision 4 Your photoStudies have found that during those 6 seconds that recruiters are reading your resume, if you have a photo, they spend about half of that time looking at your face. You probably have a darling face, but you likely dont want them spending their time focusing on it. Not only is a photo distracting, and it introduces the possibilit y of lots of other biases seeping in. I notice this from a lot of international applicants they are more likely to put a photo, their age, if they are married, how many kids they have. Leave all that stuff off if applying for US jobs.Snap decision 5 Your number of jobsIf you have held many full-time jobs (not intern or contract work) in a short amount of time (switching every 6 months to 1.5 years) you may be dismissed for being a job hopperAll of the above snap decisions are quick fixes, but this one is quite a bit tricker, so I go into more detail here about how to change your resume if you are a job hopper, how to address it in job interviews, and of course why employers are so freaked out by people who have a lot of jobs in a short amount of time.This article originally appeared on Quora.

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